Wednesday 5 March 2014

Extra Research

Ps I Love You:

This film tells the story of how a young married couple (Holly and Gerry) live their lives, sometimes fighting, and the sudden shock of Gerry dying of a brain tumour. Holly is then left alone with the empty feeling inside, until her 30th Birthday. Gerry arranged for several messages to be sent to Holly after his death in order for her to move on to a new life without him, by doing the things she always wanted to do, therefore she was able to get out on the open road, leave her old life behind and move on knowing she could carry his love with her, always.

The Film was Directed by Richard LaGravenese
Produced by Wendy Finerman Broderick Johnson, Andrew Kosove and Molly Smith
Distributed by Waner Bros. Pictures

The film had the budget of $30 Million and made $156,835,339 in box offices.

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