The Warner Bros company logo has changed over the years, the original logo was a shield with the letter WB, standing for Warner Bros at the bottom of a shield. Within 1937, the company changed their logo to be based on the original, but the letters WB would then take up the whole shield, with what the letters stand for written in the centre of the shield, 'Warner Bros. Pictures'.' Throughout times, all companies moved to animated logos because times were moving on and the audiences love it, for example, Leo the Lion, was the first animated logo to be seen. The Warner Brothers also began to used animation, before moving onto the logo that we are familiar to, they began to incorporate their copyrighted characters, for example 'Bugs Bunny' who would walk on, lean on the logo, and then take a bite of his carrot. Warner Brothers will always stand out because, although the gold shield is recognisable throughout the world, it is also seen as unique, as its background (The clouds) seems to be pained on, which gives more emprises to the golden shield which shows connotations of wealth, and therefore this logo is for mainstream companies.
Walt Disney
The 'Disney' logo consists of the fairy-tale castle often seen within their films, such as 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' and other princess movies. Their logo also represents that of the castle placed within the Disney resorts around the world, for example, Paris and Florida. Through the years, as technology has increased, so has their logo. The first version of the logo, was projected onto a blue screen, with the white outline (behind the castle) outlining the castle, which already brings in connotations of their companies main objective, for example, the white line could be seen as a fairy, tinker bell drawing the line.
The logo then changes, and became more advanced within technology, for example the white line, then became a line of sparkles, or 'fairy dust' which still shows connotations of the companies main genre they create, fantasy. By evolving their logo, this also shows connotations of wealth and higher placement, as they use warm bright colours such as pink and purple, which shows connotations of royalty, which could also be a subtle message to other companies and audience members, that Disney are the highest that they could be and would only get bigger, seeing how they are the largest out of the 'Big six' companies, and also they use a castle, which again shows connotations of royalty and also a higher power to others.
Focus Features
Focus Features uses a simple yet effective logo which ties in with their name, i.e. the typography is more focused than the background, therefore showing connotations of links between the logo and the title. The colours used compliment each other, and although the design is simple, it shows connotations suggesting that the film company has a smaller budget compared to that of mainstream Disney. However, the typography, again is simple within font, the effect used on the 'O' again links in with the company title 'Focus Features' because the 'O' shows connotations of being a lenses cap of a camera which is what the company is all about, films.
Film 4
The Film 4 company logo is basic and has stayed the same since the original company began in 1998. The design in basic but effective, as it doesn't take effect away from the company name, but isn't as gad as that of mainstream Disney or Lionsgate. The colours used in this logo, red and white can be seen to show connotations of passion, for example, independent films are aimed at niche audiences who have a passion for a very particular genre or type of film. As this is not as grand as other logos, this also shows a difference in company use and that of/or how much the company can have to budget, meaning that this is an independent company logo.