Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Genre Questionnaire

We were asked to collect research on what audiences would like to see and/or want from Genres, for this exercise I have chosen to ask mainly about 'Drama' and 'Horror' because we are doing a hybrid drama genre, and horror is a well known genre.

I have given my final questionnaire to 14+ persons of different ages and genders so I can get a better set of results to understand how, when we come to make our film opening, and how we can understand demographics of our target audience to create a film opening that would make them want to watch the rest of the film.

Here are the questions that i asked.

1. How old are you?
2.  What Genres are your favourite?
3. What Genres are your least favourite?
4. What would you expect from a 'Fantasy' genre of film?
5. What audience members would you expect to go and see a fantasy genre of film?
6. What do you expect from a 'horror' genre of film?
7. what audience members would you expect to go and see a fantasy genre of film?
8. what was the last film that you saw in the cinema?
9. did you enjoy that film?

From the 14+ people that i asked, i was able to draw up my results.

1. four were 16 seven were 17 and three were 18

2.  3 picked animation, 2 picked sci-fi, 3 picked fantasy, 4 picked drama, 3 picked horror, 5 picked comedy, 4 picked musical, 2 picked action and 2 picked romance.

3. 1 picked animation, 3 picked sci-fi, 3 picked fantasy, 5 picked drama, 2 picked horror, 1 picked comedy 6 picked musical, 4 picked romance 2 picked action.

4. Gnomes, Vibrant settings and over the top characters, wizards, pixies, magic, cartoon, fairies, mystery, unicorns, action, good storyline, witches, pumpkins, toadstools.

5.  6 said Young children (8-12), 6 said young teenagers (13-18) and 2 said adults (19 onwards)

6. Blood, suspense, death and suspense, to be scared behind the sofa, scary parts, crazy music, jump scares, gory make-up, good storyline, murder, lots of violence, screaming, a good bay guy, tension

7. None said younger children (8-12), 10 said young teenagers (13-18), and four said adults (19 onwards)

8. 5 had seen the Lego Movie, 1 has seen The Hunger Games, Catching fire, 2 had seen Mr Peabody and Sherman, 3 had seen The Hobbit, desolation of Smaug, and 3 had seen Frozen.

9. All 14 said they enjoyed the film the saw.

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