Saturday, 18 January 2014

My Best Friend's Wedding

‘My best friend’s wedding’



The pink wall behind the four female characters shows connotations of stereotypical feminist charm and also allows the audience to understand that the film itself is based around a female subject, i.e., a wedding. Talking about costume, the females are dressed in bridesmaid’s dresses and a wedding dress, which shows connotations of the film being based around a wedding, and also sets the atmosphere to be light hearted with no apparent threat shown to audience members.  (Approx.: 1:29)

The lighting is very high key which can connote innocence, and also happiness, the text is also shown in a golden yellow, which shows connotations of importance and happiness, which allows audiences to understand the overall tone to be happy.


 From the opening, when considering  certificate’s, I would estimate this film to be either a ‘PG’ or ‘12’ as throughout the opening, the overall tone shows connotations of it being a  ‘feel good’ film for audience members. My reasoning behind estimating at the certificate of a ‘12’ is because some traces of sexuality are shown, e.g. the woman in the wedding dress is shown briefly showing her leg and placing a garter onto her thigh.   (Approx.: 1:37)




The non-diegetic sound has an up-beat tempo and overall light heart tone, highlighting to audiences that the film itself matches that tone of the non-diegetic soundtrack. The lyrics ‘You will be his’ shows connotations of a stereotypical view that all women dream of is marriage and that there are certain rules to follow to ensure this e.g. ‘All you gotta’ do is hold him and kiss him and love him and show him that you care.’  


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