Thursday, 17 April 2014

Attracting Audiences

When considering our genre (Open Road) we also have to wonder how to attract our paying audience. Narrative is a good way to attract audience members, and usually the better the narrative the bigger the audience, for example, 'The Hunger Games Catching Fire' had the narrative that consisted of romance, action, sci-fi and plot twist, therefore attracting more audience members with it's variety.

Within our final idea on our coursework task, we have decided to attract audience members through narrative and characters. Seeing how we are independent we have taken the realistic approach that, due to a lower budget, our locations will not be so extreme compared to that of mainstream films such as Disney's 'Pirates of the Caribbean' therefore we have focused on narrative.

By doing this we have been able to create a character 'Alex' that audience members will have strong feelings for, for example, a strong emotion to the character could be pity or hatred as he runs from society. We have also added in a romantic sub-narrative which would of been explored more if we were to make the entire film, therefore still showing generic conventions of that of a drama film (Romance and aspiring for a better life) and also applying to audience pshpchographics (Those who are searching for romance or wish to run away from society and start again.)

When considering our coursework task in groups, by using the demographics and psychographics, we will be able to create our 'chosen audience', to which we will mostly wish to attract. A possibly ability for the audience we would like to use is rating between 'C2-E' because we  believe that within this group, they can relate to our lead character 'Alex' and also other characters later on within the film. We are also aiming for Aspirers and independents because character 'Alex' aspires to leave society and 'independents' because the character shows independence when leaving town to fend for himself for the first time in forever.

I will also be looking at the audience theory of,  uses and gratifications, so narrative would be a big decision on how we attract audience members. For example this theory goes along the lines of the audience member will watch the film for pleasure, so therefore we will be making our narrative as attractive as it possibly can in order to then attract as many audience members, using this theory.

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