Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Evaluation, Quesion Six

What I have learnt about creating a media product is that, no matter what camera or equiptment, you are faced with difficulties. For instance, one of the problems we faced when filming was 'shadowing' as in one of our shots you can see a faint shadow of my group member holding the camera to film. Also we found that, once connected to the tripod, it was hard to move the camera to the shots we wanted, as the tripod was rather big. However the equipment also had its positive qualities, for example, although the tripod was big, it also kept most of our shots steady, which allowed the product to look good with quality.

Yes we did face problems, but who doesn't when they are fiming, our problems weren't extreme in the sense that they stopped us filming, they were small errors within mise-en-scene, for example, the actor kept one of his rings on when filming, which he was asked to take off. Overall, with the equipment, I believe that, although there were minor bumps in the road, we got through filming successfully.

So when it came to editing, I think personally, it was harder for me at the start than for my group member, because I can't use a mac to safe my life. At the beginning of the year we were all taken in groups to be taught how to use the editing software, everyone got the hand of it, apart from me, I could barely get my hand around the mouse and the fact that the keyboard wasn't connected to the computer. Through out the year I did get a rough hang at the software, after my group member nearly threw me, and then himself after out the window, I believe what I have learnt is that editing takes a lot of time, maybe a lot more than what I expected. We did find an effect that enhanced the image, and we used that for the open road scene, as the original shot was rather dark compared to the other shots, which I think helped us keep continuity within our piece.

Blogger has become my best friend for the past few months, and I'm sure it will be such a sad Farwell when my coursework is done, but I suppose if you love something let it go. I think using blogger helped with my creativity within the subject, because as this course is mainly coursework, it was nice to have a change in layout and also format, compared to writing it out by hand with no creative take on it. So yes, I believe, although there was so much to do, that 'posting' my work, instead of handing in essays was better because it allowed us to also experiment with layout, and how we wanted our work to be presented to the examiner.

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