Wednesday, 19 February 2014

The Difference between Independent and mainstream

Beginning with a mainstream product, the film would of been funded by a high rating company (possibly one of the big six) meaning that the product e.g. the film would then have a larger budget, meaning open windows to using the advanced media technology (Imax or 3D)
With a bigger budget, the idea of having 'A-list' actors is on the cards because the have access to pay for them, and by doing this, they allow a higher intake with audience members and also audience interest as audience members, mostly care of who is in the film rather than what the film is about. This is the same with directors, with enough money, some of the best directors can be hired, therefore giving the company the better change of having a 'blow out' at the box office when the time comes along.

With a mainstream company, marketing is easier as you would have access to above and below the line advertising, therefore, again, having more audience awareness and advantage of the film being a success. Most mainstream films are based on a best selling novel, such as the hunger games by Suzanne Collins or the Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer, this is because if the books have been popular within the public, the most likely conclusion is that if films, or other media contents of the same basis were to come out, the audience would be interested and therefore willing to pay to see the film, and to buy the merchandise and so on so forth.

On the other hand with an independent film company, they run on the basis of not at much funding, and therefore a considerably lower budget compared to mainstream products. Independent films are mostly made to be simple but effective due to budget and also rely on their niche audience. The difference between a mainstream audience and a niche audience is that a niche audience is very specific to the genre of film that they like, whereas a mainstream audience will most likely watch whatever is on at the cinema.

Below the line advertising is commonly used within independent companies as it doesn't use up their budget, which then means they can work on using their budget for filming or effects. When talking about actors, 'A-list Actors' are not commonly used due to budget.

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