P.S I Love You begins with the two protagonists walking down a long corridor, with the female leading, therefore already showing connotations of female dominance, which shows a non- stereotypical view on a female male relationship. When looking at camera, although the female shows dominance at the beginning, as the clip progresses, we see that the male protagonist collects more screen time whilst climbing up the stair case, therefore implying that although the female may be showing dominance, the male still carries more due to his screen time. There is a top and tale within the power slide between the two characters, e.g. (Approx: 0:28) the woman is shown in a low angle showing connotations of importance and dominance, as the male is shown in a high angle benath her on the stairs.

When looking at the dialogue, the male protagonist says the line 'I did something bad right, should I know what it is, or maybe is it just something you think I did? which shows connotations of the stereotypical male female couple having an argument, which is then seen as relatable to audience members, and therefore they are
able to understand, and/or connect with the characters and the setting a lot more. The male also says ' are you goanna' make me sleep in the bath tub again?' therefore implying that this isn't the first time they have had an argument, which adds high levels of verisimilitude that audience members can then relate to. The non-diegetic soundtrack uses the lyrical message of 'love you till the end' (Approx.: 0:57) which clashes against the argument, but sets an over atmosphere and tone of a very realistic love, and one that possibly would refer to audience members searching for that type of love (E.g. audience demographics)

(Approx.. 1:58) The female protagonist walks over to a white dresser with high key lighting which shows connotations of her innocence and feminine characteristics. On the other side we then see the male protagonist at his dresser which is in low key lighting which connotes suspicion and perhaps even death, as the contrast between the two characters looks to be of black and white. Another interpretation to the black and white contrast could be that of the Ying and Yang, ie. the two characters look to be within a committed relationship, and although they do argue from time to time, they have harmony within their relationship, therefore showing the representation of Ying and Yang.
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