Sunday, 16 February 2014

Audience Profiles

When creating a film, you must take into account what your target audience is, and also what they would like to see in the product. One of the fist steps of film making is to know who you are aiming your product at, e.g. your target audience.  You should also look at your film at the perspective of the target audience, for example, their demographics.

Demographics divide the adult population into 6 possible groups that a film company could then end up making their film for.
A- Higher management (Bankers and Doctors)
B- Middle management ( Teachers and Creative media people)
C1- Office supervisors (Nurses and clerical staff)
C2- Skilled workers, (Plumbers)
D- Semi skilled, and unskilled manual workers
E- Unemployed, students or pensioners.

An audiences demographics are questions concerning age, gender, status, occupation, income bracket, culture and also media interests. It is also good to know what type of person, socially you are aiming your product at, for example, are you aiming your product at a leader or a follower, a sociable individual or one that is recluse.

Once you have a basic idea of what your target audience entails, you should then try and consider their every day lives, that way you can then make your film closely based to their lives, for example, a single woman in her mid twenties living alone, would want to watch something similar to herself, and possibly with a love interest. You should also look at if your audience hope to gain an emotional experience from your product, e.g. 'Ps. I love you' is a love story connecting two people after death. 

Psycographics also can describe how an audience will react to the product based on personality traits.  For example.

They seek to be individual values and adventure, they are normally a younger demographic.

They seek freedom, social awareness and growth, normally attended to higher education.

Normally A (Higher management) who seek survival and authority.

They seek discovery and energy within a piece, normally older.

They look for status and also think about image, mostly seen in younger audience members.

They want value for their money, and also come to be mostly the biggest group, they also look for security.

Most likely to be disorganised, and enjoy evenings in with a good amount of food (D and E)

This will help us decide our target audience because from these lists we can now identify what audience would mostly enjoy our narrative.

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